agile | scrum — design thinking | design box
We espouse the agile|scrum iterative design and development process, founded in the ideals of Design Thinking and the Design Box approach.
A series of short-term stages (called "sprints") progressively work through a backlog of project requirements. Each sprint has a chunk of targets, and each is evaluated for functionality and "fun"
-- if it's not fun, it's out! … "Fun", of course, is an "objective" term for an aesthetic goal, differing within any particular experiential realm.
Design Box is a design containment approach expressed by Altizer,
A series of short-term stages (called "sprints") progressively work through a backlog of project requirements. Each sprint has a chunk of targets, and each is evaluated for functionality and "fun"
-- if it's not fun, it's out! … "Fun", of course, is an "objective" term for an aesthetic goal, differing within any particular experiential realm.
Design Box is a design containment approach expressed by Altizer,
- 3D Modeling: 3ds Max, Maya, Rhino3D, and some Mudbox and Zbrush as needed
- Scripting: MaxScript, UE4 BluePrints, MaxCreateGraph, PyMel, Mel, Python, Java, JavaScript, C#, PHP, HTML, MySQL
- Game Engines: Unreal4 (extensive experience), and Unity5 (some experience)
- Rendering: 3ds Max, V-Ray, Marmoset ToolBag2, Quixel 3Do, and game engines
- Texture Maps: Substance Designer and Painter, Maya Turtle, xNormals, CrazyBump, Quixel nDo and dDo